Advantages and Disadvantages of Electromagnetic Relay There are many Advantages, Disadvantages and Application of Electromagnetic Relay which will be mentioned in this article Advantages and Disadvantages of Electromagnetic Relay Advantages Of Electromagnetic Relay ✓ Electromagnetic relays have fast operation and fast reset. ✓ They can be used for both a.c.and for protection of a.c.and d.c. equipments. ✓ Electromagnetic relays operating speeds which has the ability to operate in milliseconds are also can be possible. ✓ They have the properties such as simple, robust, compact and most reliable. ✓ These relays are almost instantaneous. Though instantaneous the operating time of the relay varies with the current. With extra arrangements like dashpot, copper rings etc. ✓ slow operating times and reset can be possible. Disadvantages Of Electromagnetic Relay ✓ High burden level instrument transformers are re...