Do you know what is ELCB and how ELCB works?!!! Do you know what is ELCB and how it works?!!! ELCB stands for Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker. ELCB is used for safety purpose for installing an electrical device with using high earth impedance against avoid shock. Main purpose of earth leakage circuit breaker is to keep safe the animals and humans against electrical shock. Various Types of ELCB Voltage operated ELCB Current operated ELCB Oparating Principle ELCB is the current operated device. So when leakage current reach at predetermined value then ELCB is operates. Working of ELCB Let consider single phase circuit which has two wire one phase and second neutral. These two wire phase and neutral are fed through separate winding of a current transformer which is shown in below image. Basic Circuit Diagram of ELCB Tripping mechanism control by second another winding, Now the current through the two wire phase and neu...